Twisted morals on piracy

It is undeniable that it is the teenagers who are truly reaping the advantages of the internet. After all, it is in their generation where the internet has really boomed. Yes… the cyber space, where everything can be found and where almost everything is free… but of course, like everything in this world, both in cyber space and in real life, there are consequences we all have to deal with one way or another. Unfortunately, perhaps it is also because teenagers will definitely act out as teenagers, they do not seem to care too much about the consequences and perhaps, we should give them the benefit of the doubt as well. Maybe they just really did not know.

File sharing is very rampant among the internet savvies. However, most the stuff people torrent amongst each other are unauthorized by the people responsible for them such as the producers, record companies, authors, publishing and so on. As a result, this can be considered as stealing and is more popularly known for piracy. it is in fact a serious crime against the law and could land you in jail and charge you serious amounts of fines. This is a fact that not all teenagers know or more often than not do not take seriously.

In lieu to this, a comic strip was created as a medium to spread awareness amongst high school students with the hopes that putting the agenda in a form of a comic strip would grab their attention and eventually take the time to understand. However, it turned out to be a failure because the storyline of the comic strip seemed to actually have taken the side of the law breakers than of the authorities.

The story was about an old lady and her teenage granddaughter. The setting was the two are living together in the old lady’s house. However, the old lady is not financially stable. She just recently won the case in regards to her house’s mortgage and was so happy to break the news to her granddaughter. However, her granddaughter has her own news to tell as well. Apparently the teenager is facing a lawsuit illegally downloading music. She was caught in possession of thousands of songs. The downloads were traced through her IP address and then to her home address. She is to face trial and could possibly sent to jails aside from the fine that she has to pay.
The moral of the story obviously did not fall on the advantage or supported the agenda. Instead, sympathy was given to the old lady and the granddaughter who seemed to be given such awful misery by the authorities.

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